Hardy Exotics Part 1

History of Cornish Gardens, Houses, Families and Art Collections 

Course Introduction

This course looks at the wide range of Cornish historic houses, gardens and the families that built them. From the ancient estate of Godolphin established in 1310 to Trerice House built in 1572 with many of its Elizabethan features still intact. Antony  House gardens and art collection is the focus for a whole session and we explore the influence of Humphrey Repton who created a Red book for Antony. We look at more recent additions to the garden and the history of the Carew Pole family. We then take a virtual tour around the garden at Tregothnan the home of the prominent Boscowen family, looking at some of its prominent plants, trees and garden features. We also discover the history of Caerhays House and estate near Tregony and the collaboration of the Williams family with plant Hunters such as Ernest Wilson.

Also included in the course is the beautifully preserved 18th century home of the Hawkins family at Trewithen, near Probus and its garden developed by George Johnstone. We also discover the Enys family and the history of their plant hunting in New Zealand and the current restoration of the gardens at the Enys estate near Penryn.

We explore both Cotehele and Lanhydrock estates which each have long complex histories, with evidence of Tudor, Georgian and Victorian additions, but the gardens at both estates are relatively recent. The Fox family, who were Quakers, built valley gardens around Falmouth and we look at the history of some of them including Penjerrick, Fox -Rosehill, Glendurgan and Trebah.

A guided tour of a garden on the course will be arranged at the end-date and location to be confirmed.

This course is  6 x 2 hour lectures

Available to watch on YOUTUBE

Payment Details

Cost of all 6 = £140 Pay with card or Paypal

Recorded Online Video on YouTube

Or buy the individual lectures below for £24 each.

If you prefer to pay by cheque or BACS please email Catherine

Course Contents

Lecture 1: Trerice and Godolphin

Online video on YOUTUBE


2. Antony House & Gardens

Online video on YOUTUBE


cornish gardens tregothnan caerhays
3. Tregothnan and Caerhays

Online video on YOUTUBE


4. Trewithen and Enys

Online video on YOUTUBE


cornish gardens cotehele lanhydrock
5. Cotehele and Lanhydrock

Online video on YOUTUBE


6. The Fox Family Gardens of Falmouth

Online video on YOUTUBE
